

北朝鮮拉致 田口八重子(22)誘拐現場 東池袋1丁目(その1)

イメージ 1

どこに潜伏してるかは、霞ヶ関検察庁か国家公安員会に出向いて「情報公開法」でDOCをもらいましょう。ちなみに東池袋1丁目はキムヒョンヒに日本語を教えた田口八重子が22歳のときに誘拐された現場です。工作員は誘拐まで11年工作活動しましたが、大韓航空機で200余の韓国人が死にました、在日韓国大使館(当時のKCIA幹部)は事実をしって日本政府に助けを求めましたが今日まで無視です。だから在日韓国人は日本人でも韓国人でもないので苦悩してるのです。靖国神社にハングルの2つの塔が左右にあります、ちなみに戦争戦犯は青山墓地に眠り、靖国合祀は関係ありません。日本の神様は差別しませんが、中国では神社信仰自由は法律違反で死刑になることもあります。56年で1人しかいない歴史のリーダー小泉純一郎に学び「わけのわかんない屁理屈」で他人のせいにせず、自ら他人の10倍努力・行動し日本男児は「馬鹿日本人は・・英語も喋れねえ癖に」となめられないよう、女房子供の生命財産ぐらいは家族で死守せよ。(連絡)DQ 2009Sep10 20:00-22:00SOLDOUTパンクで入場できません!21日六本木ロア地下18:00-22:00(麻布警察署)によろしく!!東京都公安委員会・警視庁・池袋警察署、場所わかんない方は、石原慎太郎か、総務大臣か、外務大臣か、小沢一郎鳩山由紀夫、まえはら誠司、管直人アメリカ大使館、だれでもいいから119番か110番で、16兆円予算石原慎太郎のまともな部下が懇切丁寧親切にOLIMPIC選挙が終わるまで教えてくれます。但し20時以降電話すると逮捕される事も多いですから、20時から23時まではイギリス政府、23時から朝までは、米ホワイトハウスに「英語」でお問い合わせください。「フランス語」の方はフランス政府に、「イタリア語」の方はイタリア政府各首脳に(サミットTで見た)とお電話ください。日本政府みたいに船頭多くして船山に登るなんて、誰がリーダーかわかんねえなんてことはありません。ちなみに民主党がスキで投票した人は0です、景気が悪いので95%の自民党支持者も消去法で、民主しかなかったわけで、だれも「ぽっぽ友愛鳩山が首相なら給与2倍・人口3倍になるとはおもってない。この政権は年末まで持ちません、景気が今の2倍悪くなり国民が切れて暴動かクーデターで転覆するでしょう。世間知らずの官僚公務員と政治家は国民をなめてます。鳩山、てめえアメリカに行く前に国民に、北に誘拐された横田めぐみと、田口八重子の生死、所在、12月20日のクリスマス前に帰国できるんか、できんのんか真摯に説明せえ

Let's follow one's command that 30-100 north agents hide in (attention) Tokyo by oneself.
I go to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Kasumigaseki or the member of national public peace society, and let's take DOC in "a sunshine law" where you hide. By the way, 1, Higashiikebukuro is the spot where Yaeko Taguchi who taught mrs.kim hyonhi Japanese was kidnapped at the age of 22 years old. The agent worked on work to a kidnapping for 11 years, but the Korea embassy (KCIA executive officer) which died living in Japan knows the fact, and more than 200 Koreans demanded help from the Japanese Government in a Korean Air Lines plane, but it is disregard until today. Therefore the Korean living in Japan is agonized because even a Japanese is not a Korean. There is the tower of two of the Hangul Alphabet in right and left in Yasukuni shrine;, by the way, the war war crime sleeps in the Aoyama graveyard, and the Yasukuni enshrining together does not matter. Japanese God does not discriminate, but the Shinto shrine faith freedom may be executed by an offence in China. A 10 times effort of oneself another person acts, and the Japan boy defend stupid, the life property of the wife child to the death in families in "the habit that the fool Japanese cannot speak the English" without he learns from leader Junichiro Koizumi of the history that one is the only one in 56 years, and attributing it to another person by "the quibbling that there is not that is not heated of the reason". It is DQ 2009Sep10 20 (communication):00-22:I cannot enter it by 00SOLDOUT flat! 21st Roppongi lower basement 18:00-22:Thank you to 00 (a hemp cloth police station)!The few which is not boiled is Shintaro Ishihara, or the Tokyo Public Safety Commission the Metropolitan Police Department Ikebukuro police station, a place are Minister of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, or it is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or because even Ichiro Ozawa, Yukio Hatoyama, Mehara Seiji, pipe Naoto, the U.S. Embassy, anyone are good, it is the 911, or a proper subordinate of 16 trillion yen budget Shintaro Ishihara teaches it with the 110th until OLIMPIC election is over in exhaustive and painstaking kindness. But can refer to the U.S. White House in "English" from British Government, 23:00 to morning from 20:00 to 23:00 because I am often arrested when I talk on the telephone after 20:00. As for the "French", the person of "Italian" please call each Quirinal leaders with (I want to see it in summit T) in the French Government. Is a leader, or nobody is boiled a boatman like Japanese Government increase it, and to climb Funayama; can sleep, and there cannot be the thing how. By the way, as for the Liberal Democratic Party supporter of 95%, there was only democracy in method of elimination because the economy that was 0 as for the person whom the Democratic Party voted for by a chance was bad; as for whom "YUU-AI friendship Hatoyama does not think that the prime minister increases twice as much double salary person mouth 3times. The economy that I do not have until the end of the year worsens present 2 times, and the nation can cut this government and it is a riot or will overturn in coup d'etat. The bureaucratic public employee and politician of the jerk despise the nation. Sincere, do not give an explanation about return home CAN OR CAN NOT? before Hatoyama, life and death of Megumi Yokota and Yaeko Taguchi who were kidnapped to the north by the nation before going to you U.S.A., location, Christmas on December 20 Fact it.